Power & Prominence
Profound. Complex. Unforgiving.
Available for PC 2025 Q4
What's the game about?
Imagine playing a turn based game that combines Dungeons and Dragons with a grain of Sims, and a dash of Homam (heroes of might and magic) seasoned with Craft the World and Dominions and you will get Power and Prominence. Its a game where your end goal is to do what your forefathers have done before you; to transcend, to reach the ultimate form of existence. And you'd better be faster than the competition!
What can you do in game?
Through exploring, interacting, gathering, researching, crafting and occasional conflict management on a procedurally generated map, you gain small steps on the road to transcendence. We have focused on the thinking aspect of the game. All actions have some kind of effect and consequences that might delay your one-way journey to trancendency. The game will not scale with your character, so taking the sub-optimal road might lead you to your demise.
Where will the game be published?
We will be using the esteemed steam platform.
When is ETA?
Release date to be announced. Around 2023 Q4 is all we know.
No way, we will finish and publish. No shortcuts to people's wallets!
Some in game snapshots
Take a look and enjoy!
A small little village in the outlands guaranteed to resist your dominance.
A small sample of ingame resources
A nice little exploration map...to explore?
Some game concept art
Perhaps considering to start a new game...?
Some more game concept art
Travelling to the weapons shop in Yannifar city
Travelling light...
through thick and thin...
Finding a solid arming sword
The deepest dungeon in Yannifar city...
The People behind Power and Prominence
Game designer
Pojan Dehnavi
Music and Sound
Rud Afshar
Lead Programmer
Serhiy Yavtyshenko
Voice actor (ZA)
Voice actor (ZA)
Cecilia Rydberg
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Bringing back depth to gaming
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